Registration form for the Metabolic Health Clinic

Are you interested in the CMIE metabolic medicine clinic?

To register for the metabolic medicine clinic, simply complete the registration form below. Our team will take charge of your request and contact you by phone as soon as possible to schedule a data collection appointment.

Step 1 of 2 – Identification

Personal informations

DD slash MM slash YYYY
Adresse postale(Required)
How did you hear about us?
Metabolic Health Clinic Pricing
The first appointment is usually about 60 minutes, or $450, but it could be a little less or a little more, depending on your needs. The final cost will depend on the total duration. If follow-up is necessary (a decision taken jointly by you and the doctor), you must pay the CMIE CA. Follow-ups are, in general, 30 minutes. These costs are not reimbursed by the RAMQ.

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