Compulsion and food addiction clinic
A new way to treat certain health problems
Here we address the problems of food compulsion, overweight and overeating with a completely different angle: that of addiction.
What is food addiction?
Food addiction is the loss of control over what you eat, regardless of the amount and type of food.
It is also coupled with the impression of not being able to stop. When compulsion is common and generates distress, it can develop into an eating disorder.
Experts in obesity, eating disorders, metabolic diseases; doctors, researchers and psychologists have been exploring for decades the origin of the impotence experienced by so many people in relation to food, especially sugar and processed foods.
Finally, science explodes to show that the brain, more precisely the reward center, is reconfigured in the same way in people who lose control with food as with other psychoactive substances such as alcohol, nicotine or drugs.
Thus, traditional treatments of calorie restriction, moderation, intuitive diet, may, for some people, not at all be the right treatment. It is estimated that between 15 and 30% of people would have an addictive relationship with food..
You can consult Dr Nathaël Leduc Arbour for the following problems:
- Addictive relationship or food compulsion with or without obesity
- Food and sugar dependence
- Binge eating disorder
- Optimization of health, improvement of chronic diseases with healthy lifestyle, low carb or ketogenic diet

Dr. Nathaël Leduc Arbour
A graduate of the Université de Sherbrooke in Family Medicine in 2007, Dr. Leduc Arbour worked for 15 years in perinatology, following families in GMF (Family Medicine Group) as well as in the delivery room in the Laurentians.
She has always had an interest in prevention, supporting her patients in taking control of their health, and reclaiming their power through pivotal moments in their lives.
Following her own struggle with morbid obesity since her early twenties, Dr. Leduc Arbour explored every avenue to break free from obsession and shame. After years of losing and regaining the same 75 pounds, she finally discovered the approach to food addiction and was able to apply the right treatment for the right issue. It completely transformed her life on every level!
From that moment on, she chose to further her education to gain in-depth knowledge in addiction medicine (postgraduate program in addictionology at the Université de Sherbrooke) and in the treatment of food addiction (Holistic Medicine of Addiction, training overseen by Bitten Jonsson, a pioneer and world expert in the field). Dr. Leduc Arbour is also in the process of being recognized by the order of psychologists as a psychotherapist.
In 2023, she founded Liberté Alimentaire, a support group community that accompanies people struggling with an addictive relationship with food. She helps people implement sustainable changes to finally transform their lives, regain peace around food, achieve a balanced weight, and good metabolic health.
In 2024, she joined the dynamic team at CMIE to offer her services to people struggling with an addictive relationship with food and in hormone therapy.
Specialized training:
• Postgraduate micro-program in clinical addictionology at the Université de Sherbrooke, 2023
• Certification for the SUGAR diagnostic tool, 2022
• Holistic Medicine of Addiction training for food addiction with Bitten Jonsson, 2023
• 8-week mindfulness training applied to medical practice with McGill, 2018
• Basic course in female hormone therapy – Dr. Sylvie Demers, 2021
• Certification in female and male hormone therapy in progress (2 out of 4 parts, total of 80 hours) – Dr. Neal Rouzier, 2023-2024
Registration process for the Compulsion and Food Addiction Clinic
To benefit from our services, follow the steps of the registration process at the Compulsion and Food Addiction Clinic.
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